Sexual Addiction Quiz

Welcome to your Sexual Addiction Quiz

1.) I find it difficult to stay faithful to my partner.

2.) Thoughts of masturbation or having sex preoccupy me.

3.) I masturbate every chance I get.

4.) I look at pornography often.

5.) I think about looking at pornography often.

6.) I have had unsafe sex.

7.) I go to strip clubs as often as possible.

8.) I will frequently lie to my partner about sexual issues.

9.) I will seek out multiple sexual partners.

10.) If I have the opportunity to take advantage of someone to have sex I will.

11.) Even in my workplace I might say or do something that might be considered sexually inappropriate.

12.) I will pay or have paid for sex.

13.) I will often seek out or chat with someone anonymously with the goal of having sex.

14.) I keep my sexual tendencies secret because I am ashamed of them.

15.) I believe I am obsessed with thoughts of sex.
