Depression Counseling

Are You Depressed and Now Ready to Get Better?
Questions To Consider
Are you generally feeling overwhelmed and unable to deal with things?
Is the thought of mobilizing yourself to do the things you know might help just too much?
There are many different types of depression. However if you have been dealing with some the following symptoms for more than just a couple of weeks please read through this page:
- Are you experiencing loss of concentration?
- Are you often fatigued (not just feeling tired after a long day)?
- Do you feel tearful or sad (more so than what you consider being normal)?
- Are you generally unhappy (things that should make you happy are not doing it for you)?
- Do you feel like withdrawing or isolating yourself from the people you care about?
- Is it a struggle just to get out of bed in the morning?
If these symptoms sound familiar to you than it is possible you are depressed as they are clear signs of depression.
You may have lost your interest in things that you once enjoyed and are now feeling confused about what is happening to you. If you have never experienced this type of thing before and have no reference for it in your history, you are likely to be wondering what to do about it. Depression counseling can help.
Depression is An Extremely Common Disorder and Anyone Can Experience it at Any Age.
Depression is thought to occur in more than 10% of the population.
Many people experience one form of it or another and are never diagnosed. People will tend to get accustomed to the feeling of being depressed, despite their discomfort and just live with it.
In fact it is thought that 80% of the people suffering from depression never seek depression counseling.
Although You Don’t Feel Right You Don’t Know How Else To Feel Or What to Do About It
The truth is that you may have been living with this feeling for so long that it is your normal. It may have developed in your early years as a child. Depression or depressed mood often runs in families and gets passed along. A negative, gloomy or pessimistic environment can influence a child’s mind and mood.
Or it could have developed later on in your teen years or as a young adult. It could have started with a breakup or the loss of a friend or family member. It could have started when you began struggling with school, when you started trying to socialize or if your relationship with your parents began to disintegrate.
It also could have developed more recently due to stress, feeling overwhelmed, constant worries and experiencing unsuccessful relationships or sexual issues. A large life event or change or birthday can prompt negative feelings as well.
If the feeling you have been living with did not completely debilitate you then you may have just gotten accustomed to it.
How does it happen?
Depression can occur due to any number of factors including: genetics or family history, negative events such as job loss, health issues or relationship problems, drug or alcohol abuse, divorce or even the sudden loss of a friend or relative.
Depression can affect people in any number of ways such as: extreme sadness, migraine headaches, low self esteem or self confidence, inability to work or be productive, lack of sexual desire, lethargy, aches and pains and struggling to just get through a normal day just to name a few.
Now the Good News! There is Hope! Depression Counseling Works!
There are highly effective depression treatments that have been developed in the past several years. Counseling with a professional who has gotten to know you and the details of your unique life can help you get back to the life you once had or the life you want to live.
Bear in mind that when you are in a depression you are likely to feel you will always stay depressed!
However, that is not the case. Most depressed people who get help early and receive effective depression counseling report feeling better in a relatively short time (this can be 2-10 weeks depending on the severity of the depression).
Because depression is so widespread (it has a high incidence globally) it has been studied extensively. As a result effective depression treatments have been developed that can help you get back to health and feel happier.
Will I have To Take Medication?
Medication is not always the best answer for treating depression. Many milder or even moderate depressions can be treated without medication.
Specific types of talk therapy or counseling have been shown to be very effective in helping you feel better. In therapy you will learn to understand the components of your depression and be helped to make the changes necessary to feel better. There are strategies you will learn that can give you more control over your moods.
If medication seems to be appropriate we will thoroughly discuss the different types of medications and the way they work. It is only after you feel comfortable with the idea that medication may be helpful to you that I would recommend a medication consultation with one of the psychiatrists with whom I have a good working relationship.
I Have Tried it Before and it Didn’t Work
Like anything else in life if it’s worth having it’s worth fighting for. Isn’t your health and wellbeing worth it?
You may have tried depression therapy with a therapist who was not well equipped to help you at that time. You may have tried a medication which did not fit and had a negative side effect. You may even have given up too soon.
There are many reasons why depression counseling or any treatment may not work well.
However, I have been treating depression (and anxiety) for many years and have helped a great many people return to health. Depression counseling is driven by an understanding of you as an individual.
Therapy May Take a Long Time and Cost a Lot
Each person coming to my office is unique and has a unique set of circumstances that got them there. Some problems are more difficult to solve and some take less time. Some people are quicker to respond and some take a little longer.
The road back to health and wellbeing is often far cheaper than being on the road of suffering. There is a real cost to yourself and your friends and family if you were to stay depressed and unwell.
What Do I Do now?
I highly recommend you either email me or call me at 305-933-9779 for a free confidential consultation about depression counseling. It is during our talk that I will determine if I can help you and you can determine whether you feel comfortable with me.
You can also download my report on The Most Common Types of Depression in the sidebar of this page.
Services are rendered either at my office located at 2999 NE 191 St. Suite 703, Miami, Florida 33180 or through video conference via Skype. Serving all of the greater Miami area or through video conference anywhere that there is broadband internet connection.