Are You Defensive? How Defenses Can Help Or Hurt Us

Many of us have been accused of being "defensive” at one time or another. This typically happens when we are in a heated discussion or argument with someone close to us. Defending yourself is a natural process which can happen automatically. Our...

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Stress Management: 32 Proven Ways To Relieve Stress

Stress is inevitable. It can be either good or bad depending on what type it is and how we perceive it. For example, the stress an athlete might experience before an event can propel him to perform better. However, chronic stress,...

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How Anger Management Therapy Helps

Research in the field of psychology has been painting a more complete picture of anger. We typically understand anger as an expression of frustration or annoyance or a response to a threat of some kind. Anger can also be a defense...

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Perfectionism And OCD: What Are The Differences and Similarities?

A client came to see me recently and explained that he finds it very hard to decide almost anything. The more important the decision the more he agonizes. He wants every decision to be “perfect”. He is often petrified of...

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Burnout Prevention And Recovery

Burnout is real and widespread. Forbes Magazine has reported that a significant percent of the working population suffers from it worldwide. Burnout is not technically a clinical term, but one that is used to describe a state of emotional, mental...

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Midlife Crisis And Male Menopause: The Challenge For Men

Midlife is a normal developmental stage that all men get to experience. It is at this time, somewhere between 40-60 years of age, that both psychological as well as physiological changes take place. It is often at this time that a...

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): What It Is And How To Treat It

Have you ever had a thought that would not go away? Do you have a tendency to become preoccupied or to persistently dwell on things? Do you feel the need to touch or to count things over and over...

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The Amazing Healing Power Of Humor

Everyone enjoys a good laugh…don’t you? Even the most no-nonsense, restrained, sober and conservative person enjoys the feeling of being uplifted and carried away by the sheer delight of laughter. It is one of the most enjoyable of human expressions. Appreciating...

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Hijacked by Panic: Tips For Overcoming Overwhelm

Do you know panic? Sometimes it comes in hot and harsh, takes over, knocks you back with fear or upset, and spooks you for a long time afterward. Sometimes it rises slowly, overwhelming you with the thought that when you do...

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How To Become More Assertive: The Top 10 Tips

Some folk see the world as being composed of basically 2 types of people: those who are aggressive or confrontational and those others who aren’t. Obviously, as in most things, there is a middle ground. However, many people have a high...

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