How To Keep Financial Fights From Ruining Your Marriage

Are money problems in your marriage driving a contentious wedge between you? Are you considering marriage counseling to try and stop the constant bickering about spending, debt, and monetary infidelity? You’re not alone. Unfortunately, financial fights are frequently named as a...

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How To Have A Difficult Conversation

We tend to avoid difficult conversations for many reasons. We may be afraid to start a fight; we may think we would be rejected or misunderstood; we don’t want to annoy; maybe the point we would like to make...

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Success Depends On Self-Care: 7 Habits That Will Keep You Strong And Make You Successful

Becoming successful typically requires really good self-care. Reaching the top of your game doesn't often happen if you're feeling out of sorts or sick. Success won’t feel good unless you feel good. Elevating your idea of self-care is a crucial part...

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Power Play: What To Do About Inequality In Your Relationship

Some relationships reflect differences in expression, ability, or effort. It’s possible to view these differences just as brief chapters in your larger, mutually loving story. However, there are other relationships which remain unbalanced for too long and aren’t fair; ever. In those...

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5 Effective Ways To Initiate And Get Good Sex Going

The promise of “good sex” always gets attention. You want it. Your partner wants it. And, perhaps, your relationship hasn’t experienced much of it lately. Perhaps you’re still trying to experience it for the first time. Maybe you're even...

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The Top 10 Barriers To Self-Growth

Almost anyone you meet these days is seeking ways to improve, become more “evolved” or just simply be a better person. The self-growth and self-help industry has soared in popularity almost as fast as the diet and fitness industry. It...

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Agreeing To Disagree: A Path To Conflict Resolution

Stalemates happen. You and your partner have talked an issue to death. You’ve made your case. They’ve made theirs. So you say the words. “Alright, let’s just agree to disagree.” Seems like a good idea. It’s clearly a happier alternative to escalating the...

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Are Sexual Expectations Getting In the Way Of A Good Time?

So you know what you want in bed and you know who you want to do it with. Great. At least it should be great. But somehow, what you want sexually never really seems to happen the way you think it...

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Being A Kinder Partner: The Benefits Of Kindness

Remember when you couldn’t wait to lavish the one you loved with a million kindnesses, big and small? Once upon a time, the idea of being compassionate, thoughtful and self-sacrificing was not difficult. It wasn’t an imposition. It wasn’t an...

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Hijacked by Panic: Tips For Overcoming Overwhelm

Do you know panic? Sometimes it comes in hot and harsh, takes over, knocks you back with fear or upset, and spooks you for a long time afterward. Sometimes it rises slowly, overwhelming you with the thought that when you do...

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